I finally got ahold of a hardcopy 550A schematic. The one that is floating around the internet is pretty much unreadable. I scanned it at a higher resolution for you. 550a.pdf
I finally got ahold of a hardcopy 550A schematic. The one that is floating around the internet is pretty much unreadable. I scanned it at a higher resolution for you. 550a.pdf I wrote a command line utility that will create a single multi-channel AIFF file from a set of input audio files. It uses the libsndfile library for reading and writing sound files. You can download the OSX (ppc/i386) binary along with the source code here. You you should also be able to easily build it [...] TextWrangler is my favorite editor. I made some plug-ins for syntax highlighting. Lately I have been writing assembly for Analog Devices SHARC processors and also a little bit of PIC16 stuff. Here are the TextWrangler plug-ins that I made for their instructions sets. To use them, copy them to ~/Library/Application Support/TextWrangler/Language Modules. SHARC.plist PIC16.plist 10/15/09: [...] |
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